22 to 27 July, 2024
Accreditation Award Ceremony
The Authority has conducted Quality Audits for Hospitality Enterprises in the Mt. Kenya, Western, Nyanza…
Public participation for the draft Tourism Regulatory Authority (Tourism Enterprises) Regulations, 2024
TRA Assessment and Accreditation
Assessment and Accreditation in North and South Rift, Western and Nyanza Region.

29 to May 31, 2023
Safari In the Park
TRA Safari Park meetup with other tourism stakeholders in the country.

18 March 2023
Cultural Celebration
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28 April 2023
World Safari Rally Kenya
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TRA Awards Ceremony
Enhancing Hospitality Standards: Quality Audits and National Accreditation in Mt. Kenya, Western, Nyanza, North Rift, and South Rift regions.

The Authority has conducted Quality Audits for Hospitality Enterprises in the Mt. Kenya, Western, Nyanza, North Rift, and South Rift regions. The purpose of these audits is to determine the enterprises’ level of conformity to the National Minimum Standards for accreditation. The accredited enterprises were awarded marks of quality under the National Accreditation Scheme, recognizing their quality service performance. These marks of quality are symbolized by emblems and certificates categorized as Gold, Silver, and Bronze.
The National Accreditation Scheme for the hospitality sector will enhance the Country’s efforts towards Destination Quality Management, Sustainability, and Competitiveness in the global tourism marketplace. This initiative will significantly contribute to achieving the Government’s development goals and bolster the tourism sector’s role as both a driver and major enabler in attaining the Bottom-Up Economic Transformation Agenda (BETA) for Small and Medium Enterprises, Vision 2030, and the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
Assessment and Accreditation in North and South Rift, Western and Nyanza regions
Tourism Regulatory Authority (TRA) was established by the Tourism Act No.28 of 2011 with the main mandate of regulating the tourism sector in Kenya. The Authority is also mandated to develop standards to guide operations of the sector players to ensure quality service delivery. As such the Authority has developed various standards for the hospitality sector as well as a quality audit tool for accommodation and catering facilities for use in the assessment of the facilities leading to accreditation of those that meet the requirements of the developed standards.
The Authority plans to have the assessment of the facilities in North Rift, South Rift, Nyanza and Western Kenya counties (Elgeyo Marakwet, Baringo, Trans Nzoia, Uasin Gishu, Nandi, Kericho, Bomet, Narok, Bungoma, Busia, Kakamega, Vihiga, Siaya, Kisumu, Homabay, Kisii, Nyamira and Migori) in the months of April & May 2024 with the assistance of the two consultants, Tandaza Global Concepts Ltd and Horrizons Business Solutions Ltd who will coordinate the exercise.
This is to invite stakeholders in the targeted regions to participate in this important exercise towards uplifting the quality standards of the sector. Kindly access a pre-qualification form from this link for filling and submission to TRA to enlist your establishment for the upcoming Quality Audit Exercise.
Public participation for the draft Tourism Regulatory Authority (Tourism Enterprises) Regulations, 2024
The Tourism Regulatory Authority, pursuant to Section 122 (2) of the Tourism Act Revised, Cap 381, 2011, has developed the draft Tourism Regulatory Authority (Tourism Enterprises) Regulations, 2024 to review the TRA Regulations, 2014.
The Authority, in the spirit of public participation envisaged in the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 and the Tourism Act, 2011, invites members of the public and stakeholders to attend public participation forums as entailed in the public notice.
Written submission or comments, addressed to the Director General may be submitted by letter or email ( not later than 3rd May, 2024. Inquiries may be directed to the Authority through